World Mission
At St John’s we are very aware that we have a responsibility to those around us in our community, our country and in our world.
Through our giving and our involvement with mission organisations we demonstrate our care and love for others, especially those who are disadvantaged by their circumstances.
We commit ourselves to:
Give at least 10% of our income to mission organisations
Pray for the organisations we support
Promote the organisations through planned events and publicity
Respond to emergency situations as needs arise
We also support Fairtrade at church. Fairtrade certification is a product certification system designed to allow people to identify products that meet agreed environmental, labour and developmental standards. It aims to achieve fairness and justice for poor farming communities. Registered charity number: 245464
We currently tithe ongoing prayerful and financial support to 5 charities, as described below;
Our tithed charities
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)
This is a Christian charity that provides aviation and communication services to more than 2,000 agencies, and individuals in the world's most remote areas. https://www.maf-uk.org In 2019, more than 2,000 organisations worldwide relied on MAF aircraft to enable them to reach isolated people in desperate need of help, hope and healing. They were able to deliver more than 2,000 tonnes of freight, carry 80,000+ passengers to 650 destinations on more than 28,000 flights, Altogether they flew more than19,000 hours. Since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic, and subsequent global lock down, their flights have been reduced by approximately 80%. However, as with all our charities, they have adapted really quickly to the way they work in response to this unique global situation. Currently they are still flying to parts of South Sudan, Tanzania, Chad, Liberia, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea and elsewhere, delivering coronavirus test and vaccination kits.
Church Army
The Church Army is an evangelistic organisation founded in the Church of England and now operating in many parts of the Anglican Community. www.churcharmy.org
Church Army key workers are continuing to support vulnerable and isolated individuals in a range of projects across the UK and Ireland.
On their website Church Army say, “We want everyone everywhere to encounter God’s love and be empowered to transform their communities through faith shared in words and action. Our work is unconditional, tackling social deprivation through partnership and collaboration to help empower individuals and communities.”
Help us support this life changing work.
Pathways was opened by former Beirut hostage Terry Waite in 2006, to provide positive support, advice and a refuge for homeless people with a variety of physical, social and emotional needs. Pathways is currently located at 120 Saltergate, Chesterfield S40 1NG and offers a variety of services to help homeless and rootless people in our own community. It works very closely with other local services, including the local Foodbanks, and the Street Pastors with whom St John's Church also have close connections. www.pathwaysofchesterfield.co.uk
Hope House
Hope House is a Christian charity aiming to support those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Chesterfield and NE Derbyshire area. The charity offers a hostel for up to 13 men, along with support to rebuild their lives.
The Smiles Foundation
Serving the poor, the homeless and the marginalised in Bihor County, NW Romania
The Charity seeks to relieve poverty, promote education and provide hope & opportunity through a variety of projects, which include Evangelistic Outreach, Food Distribution, Medical Support, Social Assistance, Education, Child Care, Life Skills Training and Housing Provision.
Members of St John's have been on Mission Trips to help with these projects, and our fund raising has made a substantial contribution to their building programme.