Christians give practical expression to their faith and contribute to the life of the Church in many valuable ways, but one demonstration of faith that we are all called to share in together is financial giving. In our giving, we respond personally to the incredible generosity of God who gave us His greatest gift - His only Son. So it is important to give prayerful thought about how much we give and come prepared to express our faith in this way.
At St John’s, a regular collection is taken at each service on Sunday and Tuesday. You will find the offering plate just as you come into church to the right of the centre isle.
The simplest and preferred way to give is through the Parish Giving Scheme. This really is the easiest way to give to the church in a planned, regular way. To join the Parish Giving Scheme and give by Direct Debit click this link: Walton St John - Parish Giving Scheme
or scan the QR code below to go directly to St John's Parish Giving set up page...
A regular gift really helps our cash flow, prevents the need for us to count cash and go to the bank (thereby keeping us safe) and the scheme automatically claims Gift Aid* and pays it to us every month without having to wait to claim at the end of the year. Find out more below.
*If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) St John’s are able to claim back the basic rate tax on any offering. Simply complete a Gift Aid declaration or give through the Parish Giving Scheme and indicate you want to GiftAid your gifts. The benefit to St John’s is that we can recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound given. This adds up to several thousand pounds of extra income for St John's each year.
You can also signup with the Parish Giving Scheme by telephone...
The service operates weekdays between 9am – 5pm. Prospective donors can set up a regular gift to the parish by calling the dedicated telephone line: 0333 002 1271.
The simple sign-up process takes approx. 15 minutes and the following information is needed:
Personal bank account details
The name of the parish you wish to donate to and the PGS code:
Walton St.John's, Chesterfield - 120612119
You will need to confirm if you want to increase your gift in line with inflation each year (or increase the gift as and when you want to)
Confirm if you are eligible for Gift Aid
You can give an instant one-off gift to St John's today through this link...