Outreach Ministries

  • School Pastors

    School Pastors is an initiative operated by The Ascension Trust, a national Christian charity, established in 2002.

    School Pastors are Christians from local churches. There is currently a team of seven volunteers from different churches working in Parkside School. We have a heart for working with young people, taking the time to listen, care and help where we can.

    We aim to support the school community by providing an additional adult presence at times when children may feel vulnerable. For example during lesson times and break times to minimise episodes of anti-social behaviour.

    We are currently socialising and chatting with years 7 and 8 during a lunchtime club which runs every Monday and Friday. We are also involved in special assemblies and events throughout the year.

    If you are interested in finding out more you can:-

    • Have a chat with one of the School Pastors at St John’s – John or Judith Kelly or Kate Field (or contact the church office on 01246 566205 who will give you contact details)

    • Contact the Co-ordinator for Chesterfield School Pastors: Jacky Kendrew, email: chesterfield@schoolpastors.org.uk

    • Visit the School Pastors website: www.schoolpastors.org.uk (worth watching the Newcastle youtube video). Email: info@schoolpastors.org.uk

  • Street Pastors

    Street Pastors is a nation-wide initiative of the Ascension Trust, and a partnership between the Church in Chesterfield, together with the local council, police and other statutory agencies.

    Street Pastors is a Christian response to the issues of crime, disorder and personal vulnerability of those who people the night-time economy of Chesterfield; it is a movement to transform the local community one act of kindness at a time.

    With training, Street Pastors are there to care, listen and engage with those they meet, and to support those who need their help without judgement.

    St John’s is a lead-church in this significant ministry to the people of Chesterfield; if you would like to know more or would like to volunteer for this ministry, contact the church office and they will point you to the coordinator here at St John’s.

    Further information about Chesterfield Street Pastors can be found on their website; http://chesterfield.streetpastors.org.uk/

  • Aftercare Project

    The Aftercare Project is a response to the needs of young people leaving full-time care to begin the adventure of independent living.

    There is a county wide service managed and delivered by Barnardos on behalf of Derbyshire County Council and we as a church family provide regular donations from which the staff of this service create Starter Boxes for these young people, filled with household essentials to help them settle in and begin this new stage of life.

    If you would like to support this ministry, check out the Bulletin Board at the back of church for a list of materials that make up a Starter Box, speak with Marje Shaw or Rachel Broomhead or send an email to the Church Office.

  • Renew 42

    A quiet shared space where it’s ok not to be ok.

    The group provides gentle support for anyone who does not feel ok. You can drop in to Renew 42 on any Tuesday between 2pm and 4pm.