General Information for Users of the Parish Centre

Welcome, we hope that you will enjoy using the Parish Centre.


1.    Keys and Security

Users are asked to check that all doors and fire doors are correctly locked and all windows closed before leaving the premises.  Also, please ensure that all lights are switched off.  Keys should be placed in the letter box located on the outside wall to the left of the main entrance door.


2.    Heating

Users must not adjust the timing controls and thermostats.


3.    First Aid / Illness

There is a first aid box in the kitchen and in the foyer.  Should any items be used, the Church Office should be notified.  There is also an Accident Book in the kitchen, at the side of the First Aid Box, which must be completed for all accidents.

In case of sickness, there is a kit located in the disabled toilet for cleaning up any bodily fluids.


4.    Consideration of Residents / Car Parking

Please be mindful of our neighbours when arriving and leaving the premises.  Please also ensure that cars are parked legally in marked bays and that they are not causing an obstruction.  If you need to pull up to unload your car, please ensure your car is moved to a parking bay once unloaded.


5.    Disabled Toilet/Baby Changing facilities

These are located in the entrance lobby


6.    Consumables

Users are responsible for their own provisions of tea, coffee, squash etc.  The items in the cupboards are strictly for church use.  We are a Fair Trade Church.

Cleaning materials and bin liners are provided


7.    Telephone / Wifi

There is no access to a landline, so during your booking you are advised to bring a mobile phone with you. Should you wish to use the Wifi, the password is genesis1walton


8.    Cleanliness

Users should leave the premises in a clean and tidy condition.  We ask if you are using the kitchen to make sure you leave it as found and to empty the fridge of any food items.  Anything left will be thrown away.


9.    Recycling

As a church we recycle whenever we can.  If you have access to the kitchen during your booking, there are clearly labelled recycling bins and we would ask that you place appropriately cleaned materials for recycling there.  If you do not have access to the kitchen, the burgundy recycling bin is adjacent to the entrance to the car park for your use.  In the inner ‘caddy’ please put paper.  All other recyclables (tins, bottles, cardboard, aerosols, brown envelopes etc) go into the main body of the bin.  Thank you for your help in this.


10. Diary for Health and Safety/Hygiene Checks

This is located in the kitchen in a white lever arch file.  If you use the kitchen facilities, please complete the relevant page in the diary.


11. Cancellation

If you cancel your booking you will lose the full deposit.  If you cancel with less than 48 hours’ notice you will incur a 50% fee and if you cancel with less than 24 hours, you will lose the full amount.  If you postpone the booking to a new date, no cancellation fee will incur.


12. Contacts

If there are any problems when arriving for your booking please contact Marje Shaw on 07778 018296.


Should you have any queries regarding the conditions of use, or any other matters pertaining to the church centre please contact the church office on 01246 566205.

Procedure in Case of Fire



In the Event of Fire: Break the glass on the Emergency Call Point and inform all persons of the outbreak.  The alarm will sound automatically.

Evacuate all persons by the nearest safe exit points, which are clearly marked – The “Responsible Person” should ensure that any persons requiring assistance are given the help they need.

All personal belongings should be left behind.

The Responsible Person should ensure that the Fire Brigade is called.

On evacuation all persons should assemble at the Fire Assembly Point at the far end of the Car Park.  No one should leave the site unless instructed to do so by the Responsible Person or the Fire Officer.

The Responsible Person or designated deputy should carry out a roll call and determine that everyone has been evacuated.  There must be no re-entry to the building.

On arrival of the fire brigade, the Responsible Person should brief the Officer in Charge, with particular regards to any persons not accounted for.

Re-entry to the building is only permitted by agreement of the Fire Officer.

Fire Extinguishers:  These are positioned in the Church, Main Hall, Waddington Lounge, Kitchen, Atrium and Entrance Lobby.  Only trained persons should attempt to extinguish any outbreak of fire and then only if it is safe to do so without risk to themselves or other persons.

Escape Routes:

Main Hall – 4 fire exit doors

Waddington Lounge – 1 fire exit door

Meeting rooms 1 & 2 and the Children’s Room – exit is via the entrance doors and then the external door to the right, leading to the garden

Kitchen – through the entrance door, out through the lobby, into the car park.


Note: These doors must be kept clear of any obstructions both internally and externally with clear access to them at all times.

Emergency lighting: is installed within the building and is automatically activated from the fire control panel.

Smoke detectors: are fitted within the building and upon detecting smoke will automatically trip the alarm system.

Fire alarm control panel: is fitted in the Entrance Lobby and on activation will sound the alarms.

Reporting: Any outbreak of fire (no matter how minor) should be reported to the PCC via the Church Office.  Any occurrence causing damage to the building fabric, fixtures or fittings and/or injury to persons shall immediately be reported to a member of the contact team listed above.  A full Accident/Incident report should be completed by the Responsible Person.